From the idea to the realization

When planning a sailing trip months in advance or sailing through the Aegean Sea, when looking for a berth… What would you need for all of that? How many books and charts would you have to take with you in order to find all of that information? This is exactly what the initiator asked himself and so the idea for a nautical digital travel guide was born. At this point in time, no one could have imagined how much effort was going to be necessary to turn this idea into a reality.

The data bank had to be created and the first question arose immediately: what information do we want to offer to the users and what would users find especially interesting? If this were the only question we had asked, we would have completed this project much faster, but one question led to another. In the end, we had a data bank with more than 300 fields and it is still expanding today.



Then came the next challenge. Where can we get all of the information we would like to provide to our users? We collected information on the Internet and from books, but primarily on site. Employees travelled the coasts of Greece, Croatia and Turkey and spoke to charter companies, marina managers, professional skippers, yacht owners, restaurant owners and many more people. All of the information was structured and painstakingly entered into the data bank. In this way, we have already been able to collect more than 25,000 POIs (Points of Interest) and it is increasing daily.

We thought we had completed most of it. But then the front end, that is the user interface, had to be developed for the website and the app. And once again questions kept piling up. What should it look like? What information is really important for users and therefore has to be as visible as possible? How can we make it user-friendly? What would the user like to be able to do on the website or app? And above all, can we be more than just a data bank? The work was very time-consuming, but after several weeks of rough planning and fine-tuning we were finally able to send the drafts to our development department. We are definitely not only a data bank and the future web and app versions will undoubtedly prove this. But we couldn’t develop the first version and not add the community character.


So let yourself be surprised and accompany us on our journey to the mySea-world.